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Digital Issue of GRHC's Living Architecture Monitor – Spring 2010 : Research Issue
- 22 janvier 2020
Interview with Dr. Steve Windhager, Director, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Sites Initiative, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Green Philly, How Philadelphia is Breaking New Ground on Green Infrastructure to Combat Combined Sewer Overflows, By Christopher S. Crockett, Jeremy Chadwick & Joanne Dahme
Greening the Green Roof System: A Comparative Look at Three Roofing Systems Through the Lens of Energy, By Dr. John Schramski, Dr. David Tilley, and Dr. Tim Carter.
New Fire Design Standards, By Kelly Luckett, GRP
More Bees Please: GRHC’s Biodiversity Research Protocol, By Steven Peck and Dr. Brad Bass
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