City of Surrey walking plan : creating walkable neighbourhoods
- 22 janvier 2020
[Technical report] / CITY OF SURREY, Engineering Department. — Surrey : City of Surrey, 2011. The plan begins by describing the importance of planning for walking in Surrey, including the connection between sustainability and walking. It then describes the development of the plan, including consultation, policy integration and the plan’s principles and objectives. The third section comprises steps for action organized into four strategic objectives: (1) achieving a continuous and connected network of walking routes that connects people with services, goods, employment, recreation and other people; (2) promoting universal accessibility; (3) integrating walking with strategic land-use planning and facilitating development that supports walking and transit; and (4) creating a pedestrian environment that is safe, comfortable and interesting. Each objective includes new and ongoing actions for change, and identifies whether additional or existing resources will be applied. The final part identifies seven indicators and the applicable unit of measure with which to evaluate the plan’s success. The appendix presents results from the public survey and general comments about walking.
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